Project overview:

The AMA la Girafe project is an educational development initiative led by the non-profit organization ODDY-C in partnership with AMAEDU srl. It aims to promote living together, intercultural understanding, and global citizenship in schools across French-speaking Belgium. Through an active pedagogy and virtual cultural exchanges, AMA la Girafe seeks to raise awareness among young people about global issues and strengthen connections between cultures, while remaining rooted in values of solidarity and international cooperation.

Phase 1 (2022-2023): promoting living together through intercultural understanding

During the first phase of the project, implemented from January to June 2023, more than 1,583 students from 100 classes across 61 Belgian schools participated in intercultural education activities through the AMA la Girafe educational tool. This secure digital platform, combined with a giraffe mascot, a comic book, and educational resources, offered students a unique opportunity to explore cultures from around the world.

Objectives of phase 1:

  • Promote living together by allowing students to discover and value cultural differences and similarities between their realities and those of their peers in other countries.
  • Strengthen intercultural and citizenship skills through educational exchanges and collaborative activities.

Students shared videos, photos, and stories about their daily lives and accessed content shared by schools in Africa, France, and Switzerland. This experience encouraged open-mindedness and reflection on cultural diversity, respect, and tolerance.

Phase 2 (2023-2024): expanding horizons and connecting cultures

The second phase of the project aims to build on the successes of the first phase by involving 160 new classes from 108 schools in Belgium, with around 2,800 participating students. This phase focuses on education for development through an intercultural approach, where Belgian students have access to adventures shared by schools not only in Belgium but also in Africa, France, and Switzerland.

Activities of phase 2:

  • Use of the AMA la Girafe platform: Belgian students continue to use the digital platform to access content shared by their peers from other countries, discovering a wide range of cultures, traditions, and ways of life.
  • Workshops and pedagogical meetings: Organization of 40 in-class workshops on topics such as intercultural understanding, emotional expression, and creativity, as well as 8 physical meetings between classes to strengthen exchanges and mutual learning.
  • Teacher training and support: Ongoing training sessions and support for teachers to optimize the use of the educational tool and ensure that development education objectives are integrated into their practices.

Objectives of phase 2:

  1. Strengthen global citizenship education and intercultural skills: Encourage students to better understand global cultural diversity and develop positive attitudes towards other cultures.
  2. Promote living together and international solidarity: Raise students’ awareness of global realities and challenges while fostering an awareness of their local and global civic responsibilities.
  3. Ensure the link between school and the world: Facilitate collaborative learning and openness to others through virtual cultural and educational exchanges while strengthening links with families.

An educational development project that bridges north and south

While the second phase of the project does not create direct pairings between Belgian and African classes, it allows Belgian students to access content and adventures shared by a global educational community that includes schools in Africa. By discovering stories, cultural practices, and projects from their peers in Africa, Belgian students develop a better understanding of global interdependencies and the values of international solidarity.

Renewing our commitment to transformative education:

The AMA la Girafe project continues to play a key role in ODDY-C’s mission to strengthen education for development and raise awareness of global issues. By connecting Belgian students with diverse perspectives and promoting intercultural learning, we help create a generation of informed, tolerant, and engaged citizens.

Why support AMA la girafe in schools?

As an non-profit organization active in development cooperation, ODDY-C believes in the importance of education that inspires and connects. By participating in or supporting the AMA la Girafe project, you contribute to:

  • Fostering intercultural dialogue and openness to the world from an early age.
  • Educating for active global citizenship, developing global skills and attitudes of respect and tolerance.
  • Encouraging values of cooperation and international solidarity while strengthening the link between North and South.

Join us in this unique project that builds bridges between cultures and opens new horizons for young generations!

To learn more or to join the AMA project, contact us today!