ODDY-C is funded thanks to donations from foundations, companies and individuals. We thank you for the support you have already given to us! Thanks to your donations, we can continue to improve the quality of life of our beneficiaries, and continue contributing to the development of local communities. If you wish to support our nonprofit organisation, we invite you to transfer your donation to our bank account with the communication “donation”. You also can specify the project you wish to support in particular. Every donation above 40€ is fiscally deductible, as prescribed by the Belgian law. Since January 1st 2013, ODDY-C has the agreement from the Finance Ministry as an institution that helps the developing countries.

If you prefer to give on a regular basis, you can also set up a permanent order. Regular giving will help us to plan our work more effectively:
We warmly thank you for your trust and generosity!

Bank account:

ODDY-C a.s.b.l.
BE08 5230 8045 5313
Triodos Bank